How to use the MacFalconFinder:

The MacFalconFinder is framed ie it is displayed in a frme that has or will soon pop up. swap to this to start using the applet, below is some instructions, read em if you should have any problems...

a) First choose your start position by either entering the start coordinates and clicking the "New Start Position" button or right click and drag with the mouse to move to a suitable part of the map. This shows the relevant part of the map for you to hunt in.

b) Click on one of the direction buttons setting the direction in which your falcon flew in.

c) Either click on the map or enter the coordinate to indicate where you dropped your rabbit.

d) If you clicked on the map or entered the coordinates for a rabbit drop a section of it will be outlined in red, this area represents the possible location for the falcon to be in. To narrow this down further simply repeat from step b).

The default starting position is at (0, 0), the starting position and any coordinates you enter all indicate the center of the screen.

To restart, undo a rabbit drops or change the part of the interface you want showing, use the menu.

As you probably know the falcon starts to fly in random directions when you get really close to the nest. When this starts to happen the FalconFinders results will no longer be accurate but then you'll be really close to the nest anyhow so.. (this starts to happen when you get about 30 coords from the nest according to the wiki)